ICO White Paper Template — How to Write an ICO White Paper?

ico white paper template

Aran Davies is a full-stack software development engineer and tech writer with experience in Web and Mobile technologies. He is a tech nomad and has seen it all.

Expert In AI Mobile Python Swift Web

Are you looking for a good ICO white paper template? In this article, we will discuss how to write an ICO white paper effectively and provide a few white paper templates for ICO to give you a better idea.

In this article

  1. What is a White Paper?
  2. Create Your Own White Paper for ICO
  3. Dos and Don’ts While Writing ICO White Papers
  4. ICO White Paper Template Examples
  5. Advanced-Level Tips for Writing a Winning White Paper
  6. Frequently Asked Questions on ICO White Paper Template

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What is a White Paper?

A white paper is a document that outlines a problem along with the solution (your project) you have found to fix it. It details exactly how your technology works, including a detailed explanation of your technology’s architecture to explain how it works to solve the problem. A good white paper should read more like a science paper than a piece of marketing literature in the sense that it should be clear, concise, and extremely detailed.

That said, however, the real reason companies issue a white paper is to sell their product. So in this sense, a white paper really is fundamentally a marketing document at heart. Any author of a white paper for an ICO needs to keep this in mind as all great whitepapers really do sell the product despite not appearing like they do. You will see a few great examples of this later on.

Another important part of a white paper is that it includes up to date data on the current market situation and clearly shows where you see your products’ growth potential as coming from. This data is important as not only does it show your growth targets but also allows investors to understand your calculus behind the value and number of crypto tokens that you have decided to issue.

A good ICO whitepaper really has only one aim. To persuade investors to buy the tokens you issue as part of your ICO. But in order to achieve this, your whitepaper needs to inform, persuade, satisfy and reassure every single one of them. This is why creating only the most outstanding ICO whitepaper for your company will do.

Let’s proceed with a guide on how to create an ICO white paper and then discuss a few examples of the best whitepaper for crypto.

Create Your Own White Paper for ICO

A good white paper should comprise the following parts:

Project outline

Nailing your project outline is vitally important. It should clearly define the exact problem you intend to solve. The key to the project outline is to make it unique and catchy. It needs to stand out from the crowd and make investors want to read on.

Given that the average investor will read hundreds, if not thousands, white paper outlines every year, it is not difficult to see why most only get as far as the project outline.

The solution

This is the section where you need to make your project shine. The solution should include a thorough breakdown of your project, including a detailed technical description, to show exactly how it solves the problem you just outlined.

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It needs to include detailed market analysis data to show what is the need for this solution and how it fits into the preexisting marketplace.

Most companies will only have an outline or prototype of the project they wish to undertake. In this case, you should include as much visual prototype data or mockups as you can to help investors visualize your project.

A budget breakdown is a good way to reassure investors about how you intend to spend the money. This will help them evaluate your project plan as a whole and also convince them that your ICO is not a scam.

Another thing that is good to include in this section is some form of development roadmap. This will help give investors an idea of where you see the project heading and reinforce their confidence that you understand the marketplace you are about to enter with a robust development strategy.

Again, making this section stand out is a must. The key to this is emphasizing the unique selling points of your project.

A detailed description regarding the token release and marketplace considerations

In this section, you need to give a breakdown of your ICO token issue. This should include a project description regarding your crypto tokens, including their value, how many you intend to use, and which crypto token platform you intend to issue them.

Another important point to include is how you intend to allow investors to redeem their tokens and details on what happens if your ICO doesn’t reach the funding targets it outlines (investor refund process).

This section should also include your terms and conditions or a link to your website where they can find them.

Finally, this section should also detail all the relevant security details that will help investors determine if your ICO is safe. Should you have chosen to employ a specialist security firm to launch your ICO, you can also include information on their company.

Remember, no matter how attractive your ICO might seem to investors, no person on this planet is going to pay for digital tokens if they believe there is a good chance that the transaction is not secure.

Overview of the entire project team

Including the profiles of all the different team members really helps to increase both investor confidence and interest.

Such is the market these days that the support of certain individuals from within the blockchain community can guarantee an ICO’s success.

Though most ICOs don’t have the luxury of having the support of such individuals, investors now desire to see who is involved in the project and what their backgrounds are.

Dos and Don’ts While Writing ICO White Papers

You certainly want your white paper to stand out and persuade investors. How do you achieve that? Well, there are several key considerations.

Do the following while writing your ICO white paper: