This page is used to provide confirmation information for your electronic Application, Renewal, Change of Circumstance or Mid-Certification Review. This includes some information on Next Steps you can take .
When the Print your Application button is selected, the site will open a new window using your computer’s default document viewer. From your document viewer you can print a copy of the form or save it electronically to your computer .
Note: Not all document viewers are the same so your options may vary depending on your computer .
Based on the programs you selected; Help may show more page information than you need .
Select this button to print a copy of the confirmation page using your browser print settings.
Print your Application | Select this button to print a copy of your DSHS Application, Renewal, Change of Circumstance or Mid-Certification Review. |
If you are a customer and would like to complete a survey of the site, select this button.
If you are a customer and would like to complete a survey of the site, select this button.
A verification pin displays if you answered Yes to transfer your application information to the Start Next Quarter questionnaire.
Click the Start Next Quarter survey link and enter your pin when asked.