Certification in Clinical Perfusion is attained by satisfactory performance on the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion certification examination. The certification examination is composed of two parts. Part I, the Perfusion Basic Science Examination (PBSE) is an approximate 220-item, multiple-choice examination designed to cover perfusion basic sciences and extracorporeal support. Part II, the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination (CAPE) is also a multiple-choice format where a series of clinical scenarios are presented, each with a series of questions. The number of questions on the Part II examination may vary from 200 to 230, depending on the scenarios used.
Both the Perfusion Basic Science Examination and the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination are given twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. The applicant meeting all requirements to take the Perfusion Basic Science Examination and meeting all other criteria may sit for the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination within the same examination window. Eligibility and application procedures are in the sections to follow.
The examination is based on topics in the ABCP knowledge base. The 11 major sections of the knowledge base are:
The questions used on the PBSE are designed primarily to test the examinees’ knowledge of basic science as it applies to clinical perfusion. The questions used in the CAPE are designed to measure the examinees’ understanding of the practice of clinical perfusion and the application of scientific knowledge therein. While questions relating to all eleven aspects of the knowledge base may be found on either examination, the emphasis is placed on understanding processes in the PBSE and on application of knowledge in the CAPE.
The criteria for application to take the Perfusion Basic Science Examination are as follows:
Please Note: Beginning July 1, 2023: 5 of the 75 Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA) must qualify as 3P - ECMO or 6P -VAD cases per Table A of the BOI on page 12 and the remaining 70 (or more) PCPA must qualify as 1P - primary cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).
Definitions of Qualifying Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities:
Application window opens May 15 th for the fall exam and November 15 th for the spring exam.
Applicants are required to submit or arrange for submission of the following:
Applicants are required to submit or arrange to submit the following items to the National Office prior to the examination:
The number of times that the Perfusion Basic Science Examination can be taken is not limited.
Applicants retaking the Perfusion Basic Science Examination are NOT required to resubmit or arrange for resubmission of items 1-3, the Clinical Education Record, the official transcript, and the Clinical Competency statement. These items will remain on file from the previous application.
All files MUST be complete by March 24 th for the spring exam and September 29 th for the fall exam. Eligibility to reserve a seat with the Testing Site is contingent upon receipt of all documentation by the National Office.
The criteria for application to take the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination are as follows:
Application window opens May 15 th for the fall exam and November 15 th for the spring exam.
Applicants are required to submit or arrange for submission of the following:
Applicants are required to submit or arrange to submit the following to the National Office prior to the examination:
The number of times that the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination can be taken is not limited.
Applicants retaking the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination are NOT required to resubmit the case summary.
All files MUST be complete by March 24 th for the spring exam and September 29 th for the fall exam. Eligibility to reserve a seat at a testing site is contingent upon receipt of all documentation by the National Office.
Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA)
Clinical Definition
Core Elements
Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB), Primary
A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of the heart-lung machine, used during cardiac surgery and other surgeries that require extracorporeal circulation, used to manage the patient's physiological status.
Blood pump, reservoir, heat exchanger, oxygenator, extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic/lab value monitoring. Multiple pump runs per one OR visit equal 1 primary case credit.
Instructor CPB Bypass, Primary
(Not eligible for PBSE or CAPE examination cases.)
A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who serves as a clinical instructor to a student enrolled in an accredited perfusion program during primary clinical perfusion activities that require extracorporeal circulation, used to manage the patient's physiological status.
Blood pump, reservoir, heat exchanger, oxygenator, extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic/ lab value monitoring. Primary clinical perfusion activities (PCPA) performed as clinical instructor in an accredited program are considered a primary perfusion activity and will receive full case credit. During clinical instruction in which the student is operating extracorporeal circulation equipment, there must be direct one-to-one supervision by the clinical instructor. Students may also receive credit toward certification eligibility for the same case.
Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), Primary
A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) circuit that provides life support for respiratory and/or cardiac failure.
The CCP must be documented at the institution as a member of the patient care team for that period and a physician name must accompany the case in the Clinical Activity Report.
Extracorporeal circuit, oxygenator, heat exchanger used accordingly with hemodynamic/lab value monitoring. For each ECMO case, one case credit per 24 hours will be awarded for initiating and bedside managing ECMO (4-hour minimum) or bedside managing (6-hour minimum). No simultaneous credit will be awarded for managing multiple ECMO patients in this time period.
Normothermic Regional Perfusion (NRP), Ex Vivo Organ Perfusion, Primary
(Not eligible for PBSE examination cases.)
A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of an (1) extracorporeal device/system used during organ recovery that require extracorporeal circulation, used to manage the patient's physiological status or of an (2) extracorporeal device, including an oxygenator/de-oxygenator and pump, used to manage the physiologic state of isolated and separated human organs from the body, for potential transplant opportunities.
Reservoir, blood pump, heat exchanger, oxygenator, extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic, temperature, and lab value monitoring. No simultaneous credit will be awarded for managing multiple organs.
Veno-Venous or Left Heart Bypass, Isolated Limb, Primary
(Not eligible for PBSE examination cases.)
A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of an extracorporeal device used to perfuse specific vascular regions within the circulatory system or recirculate venous blood for purposes such as clot/tissue removal. the primary operator of an extracorporeal device used to deliver anticancer drugs directly to an arm, leg, or organ and manages the patient's physiological status.
Blood pump, extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic/lab value monitoring.
Ventricular Assist Device (VAD), Primary
A Certified Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the primary operator of the Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) that provides cardiac support for the failing heart.
For each VAD case, one case credit per 24 hours will be awarded for initiating and managing VAD or bedside managing (6-hour minimum). No simultaneous credit will be awarded for managing multiple VAD patients in this time period.
The Guidebook for the examination process is provided to applicants online at no cost.
Foreign applicants must meet the same requirements for certification as all other applicants.
The Perfusion Basic Science Examination and the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination are administered in testing facilities located throughout the United States. After being approved for examination by the ABCP, candidates register online to take the ABCP examinations at a test site convenient to their home. Information for registration is provided to candidates after their application and acceptance for examination by the ABCP.
The candidate is required to present two forms of original (no photocopies or digital IDs), valid (unexpired) IDs; one form as a primary ID (government issued with name, recent recognizable photo, and signature) and one form as a secondary ID (with at least a name and signature, or name and recent recognizable photo). You can find a list of acceptable ID’s here: Acceptable Identification.
See here for further details.
Applications must be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the National Office and must be postmarked no later than September 15 th for the fall examination or March 10 th for the spring examination.
The Reinstatement fee is a one-time charge for any applicant until reinstatement is accomplished or abandoned.
Individuals submitting applications for either portion of the certification examination, anytime after the specific exam deadline of September 15 th for the fall examination or March 10 th for the spring examination, will be charged an $100.00 Late Filing fee (if applying for both exams late, you will be charged a separate late fee for both exams). An application may be submitted up to two weeks prior to the examination with a late fee.
No applications or materials will be accepted after March 24 th for the spring exam and September 29 th for the fall exam.
Each applicant must pass both the Perfusion Basic Science Examination and the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination in order to attain certification. Upon successful completion of the certification process, the new CCP will receive an official communication from the National Office as well as a physical certificate.
A database of all current Certified Clinical Perfusionists is available on the ABCP website.
ABCP National Office
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823 USA
Email: info@abcp.org
Tel: (414) 918-3008
Fax: (414) 276-3349
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