Certification Examinations - PBSE and CAPE

Certification in Clinical Perfusion is attained by satisfactory performance on the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion certification examination. The certification examination is composed of two parts. Part I, the Perfusion Basic Science Examination (PBSE) is an approximate 220-item, multiple-choice examination designed to cover perfusion basic sciences and extracorporeal support. Part II, the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination (CAPE) is also a multiple-choice format where a series of clinical scenarios are presented, each with a series of questions. The number of questions on the Part II examination may vary from 200 to 230, depending on the scenarios used.

Both the Perfusion Basic Science Examination and the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination are given twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. The applicant meeting all requirements to take the Perfusion Basic Science Examination and meeting all other criteria may sit for the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination within the same examination window. Eligibility and application procedures are in the sections to follow.

The examination is based on topics in the ABCP knowledge base. The 11 major sections of the knowledge base are:

  1. Anatomy & Physiology
  2. Pharmacology
  3. Pathology
  4. Laboratory Analysis
  5. Quality Assurance
  6. Devices & Equipment
  7. Clinical Management
  8. Special Patient Groups
  9. ECMO/ECLS/Special Procedures and Techniques
  10. Catastrophic Events & Device Failure
  11. Monitoring

The questions used on the PBSE are designed primarily to test the examinees’ knowledge of basic science as it applies to clinical perfusion. The questions used in the CAPE are designed to measure the examinees’ understanding of the practice of clinical perfusion and the application of scientific knowledge therein. While questions relating to all eleven aspects of the knowledge base may be found on either examination, the emphasis is placed on understanding processes in the PBSE and on application of knowledge in the CAPE.

Perfusion Basic Science Examination (PBSE)

Eligibility Criteria

The criteria for application to take the Perfusion Basic Science Examination are as follows:

  1. The applicant must fulfill one of the following criteria:
  2. Applicants for the examination must have the following on file in the National Office at least four weeks prior to the examination:

Please Note: Beginning July 1, 2023: 5 of the 75 Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA) must qualify as 3P - ECMO or 6P -VAD cases per Table A of the BOI on page 12 and the remaining 70 (or more) PCPA must qualify as 1P - primary cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).

Definitions of Qualifying Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities:

  1. 1P - Cardiopulmonary Bypass: The primary operator of the heart-lung machine, used during cardiac surgery and other surgeries that require extracorporeal circulation, used to manage the patient’s physiological status.
  2. 3P - ECMO: the primary operator of Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) circuit that provides life support for respiratory and/or cardiac failure. The CCP candidate must be documented at the institution as a member of the patient care team for that period and a physician name must accompany the case in the Clinical Activity Report.
  3. 6P - VAD: primary operator of the Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) that provides cardiac support for the failing heart.

Application Procedure

NEW! Now offering an online application process! Click here for more details.

Application window opens May 15 th for the fall exam and November 15 th for the spring exam.
Applicants are required to submit or arrange for submission of the following: