Estimate your body fat percentage based on the formula used by the U.S. Army. The calculator now defaults to the new army tape test introduced in 2023 (one-site test), but also supports the older multiple-site body fat test. The Army tape test calculator shows whether you pass the requirements of applicants and current service men, as well as how you fare relative to the Department of Defense goal. It is sometimes referred to as an Army BMI calculator.
Share calculator:There are different methods for calculating and estimating body fat, as described in our calculators for body fat percentage and fat-free body mass (mistaken with lean body mass). This particular calculator implements the U.S. Army method, used by the Department of Defense [1][2] to vet applicants for enrollment in the military, and during assessment of current staff. It is officially referred to as the "Army body fat circumference-based tape assessment".
To use the new tape test, measure your weight on a scale, then take a measurement of the circumference of your waist (abdomen) at the level of the belly button. The measurement should be in pounds (lbs) and inches (in).
You will also need to enter your age rounded to the nearest whole year as these are also part of the Army body fat calculation formula as shown below.
Following the Army Comprehensive Body Composition (ACBC) Study which assessed the performance of the previous tape test on over 2,690 Soldiers [4] , a new tape test was introduced in June 2023. The Army Body Fat Circumference-Based Tape Test and Supplemental Body Fat Assessment now uses a single-site (one-site) test, as opposed to the multisite test used previously, meaning it only requires the measurement of the abdomen circumference and a weight measurement, compared to the three measurements required previously (height, neck, waist, and hips for women).
Exemptions from the body fat assessment are granted to soldiers scoring more than 540 points (out of 600) on the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) test, with a minimum of 80 points on each event. [5]
This section is about the old tape test used before mid-2023. Refer to the section above for the new tape test.
Contrary to what some people think, the US army body fat percentage figure is not calculated based on any kind of BMI calculation. It is actually based on correlations between several body circumference measures relative to a person's height.
To use this Army body fat calculator with the old multiple-site tape test, it is best that you recruit the help of another person to take the measurements for you. This way they can be as close to the army method specified in the Standards of Medical Fitness [3] as possible. According to the U.S. Army manual, use a flexible measurement tape to measure the neck circumference and waist circumference at their narrowest points — at the Adam's apple for the neck and at the belly button level for the waist — and the hips circumference at their widest. The measurement can be in feet and inches or centimeters depending on your preferences.
For men the multi-site tape test formula is [3] :
86.01 x log10(waist - neck) - 70.041 x log10(height) + 36.76
For women the multi-site tape test formula is [3] :
163.205 x log10(waist + hip - neck) - 97.684 x log10(height) - 78.387
All measurements are in inches. To use centimeters instead, replace 36.76 with 30.30 in the formula for men, and 78.387 with 104.912 in the formula for women. The output of the formula is a body fat percentage, meaning the percentage of your weight that is composed of fatty tissue.
According to tables 2-1 and 2-2 of the U.S. Army Regulation 40–501 from 2019 (also valid in 2024), Standards of Medical Fitness (a.k.a. Army body fat standards 2024, a.k.a. Army body fat chart), the maximum allowed body fat percentage in order to join the army is presented in the table below:
Age | Male | Female |
17-20 | 24% | 30% |
21-27 | 26% | 32% |
28-39 | 28% | 34% |
40 and over | 30% | 36% |
According to table B-2 of the U.S. Army Regulation 600-9 from 2019 (in force in 2024), The Army Body Composition Program, the maximum allowed body fat percentage in order to remain a part of the army is presented in the table below:
Age | Male | Female |
17-20 | 20% | 30% |
21-27 | 22% | 32% |
28-39 | 24% | 34% |
40 and over | 26% | 36% |
The goal of the Department of Defense is 18% body fat for males and 26% body fat for females in the military as measured by the tape test. In our online calculator we will show you how much above the maximum allowable you are and how much you need to lose to meet the goal (if any).
What to do if you have just used our Army height and weight calculator and the results do not cover the 2024 requirements of the DoD? What if you want to improve them, how do you begin? There are several general tips to help reduce your body fat percentage and cover the requirement.
First, you should consider reducing the number of calories you consume through eating. Our calorie calculator can be used to get an idea of where you need to aim. Persistence and motivation are key, as well as recruiting the help of people around you.
Second, you can alter your diet's macronutrient composition: the proportions of fat (lipids), carbs (carbohydrates) and proteins you eat. Our macronutrient calculator can help.
Third, exercise, especially of the resistance training type. As Katch et al. write [2] , you can eat more yet weigh less and have a lower body fat percentage through regular exercise. Diligent and persistent exercise allows a person to maintain a lower percentage of body fat even despite age-related tendency toward weight gain.
Contrary to popular belief which comes from amino acid infusion in deficient patients, consumption of amino acid supplements does not decrease body fat percentage and will not increase your chances during the application examination. Studies with healthy subjects do not provide evidence in support of using such supplements, including arginine, lysine, ornithine, tyrosine, and other amino acids, or combinations of them. No physical performance improvements were detected, either [2] , so you better save your money on these.
Once you've improved your physique, perform the army body fat calculation again plugging in your new height, neck, and waist measurements to check if you meet the Army admission standards.
1 Army Directive 2023-11 (2023) "Army Body Fat Assessment for the Army Body Composition Program"
2 Army Regulation 600–9 (2019) "The Army Body Composition Program"
3 Hodgdon J.A. (1990) "Body Composition In The Military Services: Standards And Methods", Body Composition and Physical Performance, National Academies Press (US)
4 USA Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (2023) "The Science Behind the Army Comprehensive Body Composition Study: USARIEM Completes Critical Data Collection"
5 Army Directive 2023-08 "Army Body Fat Assessment Exemption for Army Combat Fitness Test Score"