What is the Clear Bag Policy?
To enhance public safety and make stadium access more efficient, the University of Oregon adopted a Clear Bag Policy. Fans may bring in one (1) clear bag no larger than 12" x 6" x 12" or a 1-gallon plastic storage bag. Fans are limited to one clear bag per person, along with a small clutch or purse for privacy.
Why is this policy being adopted by the University of Oregon? In an effort to improve fan safety, the University of Oregon is implementing a bag policy for all athletic events beginning in August 2018. This policy limits the size and types of bags that are permitted inside Oregon Athletic venues, but is not a restriction on many of the items that fans have brought into the facilities in the past. This proactive measure will enhance security inside and outside of the athletics venues and speed up the security screening process for all fans.
How does the new policy improve public safety?
Prohibited bags will be turned away. Any prohibited bag will be highly visible and be corrected immediately. The clear bag is easily and quickly searched and greatly reduces faulty bag searches. The policy also supports the Department of Homeland Security's "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign.
How does this make it more convenient for guests?
The policy will enable us to move guests through our security checkpoints faster, allowing staff to be more efficient and effective at checking bags that are brought into the venues. Shorter lines mean quicker entry and fewer hassles. Fans will enjoy an improved sense of safety while spending less time in lines at stadium gates.
What types of bags are permitted? Approved bags include clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC bags that do not exceed 12”x6”x12”; one-gallon clear, re-sealable plastic storage bags; small clutch bags no larger than 4.5” x 6.5” (approximately the size of a hand) with or without a handle or strap. Prohibited bags include but are not limited to purses, backpacks (solid or over-sized), diaper bags, binocular cases, camera cases, fanny packs (solid), luggage, seat cushions with a zipper, any bag larger than the permissible size, and any bag that is not clear.
Have the Prohibited Items changed as well with this new bag policy? Yes. In an effort to better communicate and enforce approved and prohibited items, please review the following items allowed in Oregon Athletic venues. Fans are encouraged to bring only necessary items to football games. All guests and items are subject to search.
Approved Items:
• Clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC bags that do not exceed 12”x6”x12” or One-gallon clear plastic storage bag (one per person)
• Small clutch bags that do not exceed 4.5” x 6.5”(approx. the size of a hand), with or without a handle or strap (one per person)
• Factory sealed plastic water bottles
• Unopened soft sided juice boxes
• Empty plastic water bottles (please note that water bottles containing liquid will not be allowed)
• Medical liquids
• Baby bottles
• Binoculars (not in cases)
• Blankets
• Cameras for still photography
• Outside food – single serving
• Seat cushions that do not have pockets or zippers
• Strollers (storage not available in the venue)
• Umbrellas
• Service animals
• Medically necessary items after proper inspection
Any item not on the Approved Items List will not be allowed unless otherwise approved and properly inspected. These items include but are not limited to: alcohol, vacuum bottles, weapons, fireworks, explosives, munitions, laser pointers, metal & glass containers, artificial noisemakers, and sticks or poles including selfie sticks.
Special considerations will be made for guests with special medical needs and individuals caring for infants.
How many bags can each person bring into the venue? Each ticketed guest can carry one (1) large clear bag – either a one-gallon Ziploc-style bag or the 12" by 6" by 12" clear bag – plus a small clutch purse (4.5" x 6.5"). The small clutch allows privacy for small personal items and also is easily searched.
Can I carry cameras, binoculars, phones, or tablets separately from what I put in a clear bag? Yes. We are limiting only the type of bags carried into the stadium, not items that you normally bring to a game. Fans can continue to carry permitted items in their pockets or hands such as keys, phones, wallets, makeup, blankets, etc., if you choose not to put them in a clear bag or clutch. In addition you can carry a blanket over your arms, and binoculars and/or camera around your neck or in your hands without the case. You can use the clear bag and clutch to carry other items. You will continue to have the flexibility to bring a wide variety of approved items into the stadium.
Are seat cushions allowed to be carried in? Seat cushions and seat backs without pockets, zippers, compartments or covers are permitted. The permitted seat cushion size is 17.5 inches wide by 13.5 inches deep with a seat back that does not exceed 19 inches. The cushion itself can be no more than 4 inches thick.
Are blankets in cold weather allowed? Yes. Fans are able to bring blankets by carrying them in over your arm or shoulder.
Are all purses prohibited? No. Small clutch purses (no larger than 4.5”x6.5”), with or without a handle or strap, are permitted along with a clear tote bag or one-gallon plastic bag.
What happens if I show up at the entrance with a bag that is not permitted? Fans with a prohibited bag will not be permitted inside the stadium. Fans with prohibited bags will need to return their bags to their vehicle, and transfer their belongings to an approved clear plastic bag before entering the athletic venue.
If I have certain medical items/equipment that I need to bring into the venue what do I do? Fans with medically necessary items may enter at any gate but will be subject to additional screening. Supervisors at each entrance will assist.
Are diaper bags allowed? For the safety and security of our fans we are requiring all items, including diapers and other baby supplies to be carried in an approved clear bag. Each member of a family, including children, would be allowed an approved clear bag and a clutch purse.
Are other schools/teams adopting a Clear Bag Policy? The majority of Pac-12 schools and a number of other college stadiums have adopted a clear bag policy already or are adding one this upcoming season. Clear bags are an additional security measure that the University of Oregon is implementing to create a safer gameday experience and to expedite the screening process at the entrances.