How to Be a Hero This Tax Season

Each year, at tax season, you have the opportunity to be a hero. Yes, a hero.

I know it sounds like a lot to live up to but I promise, it’s not hard and your clients will be seriously grateful.

All you have to do is send the HUD-1 (a.k.a. the closing statement) to every client who closed on a property in the past year.

Why bother? Well two simple reasons:

  1. Your clients are going to need the HUD-1 when they file their taxes and they have no idea where it is and/or are going to have to spend time hunting for it.
  2. Sending the HUD-1 is an excellent opportunity to get in front of your clients and remind them that you are their rockstar agent (in other words… get referrals).

The Proof Is in the Pudding

I gave this advice last year and here are a few testimonies from the agents who executed:

tax season testimonial

tax season testimonial

tax season testimonial

You can either attach the HUD-1 in an email or drop it off in person.

BUT, if you are a SkySlope user, this task just became way easier…

  1. When you’re in SkySlope, click on the Access Archives icon
  2. Click on the specific property file
  3. From there, click on the Documents tab and find the HUD Statement (it should be a PDF file that either you, your admin, or your transaction coordinator uploaded)
  4. Click on the checkbox next to your HUD document and click the Email button
  5. You’ll then be able to email the HUD document directly to your client from within SkySlope (no downloading, saving, exporting or uploading).

Don’t know what to say? I’ve created an email template that you can copy and paste into the body of your email. And of course, feel free to modify it.

I want to make this action item as easy as possible so you can provide value to your clients and get back to work.

PS: If you need help, get in touch with our awesome support team. They are here for you 24/7!

PPS: If you want more tips like this, you can follow along on my Facebook page.

Email Script—Closing Statement

Hi [client],

I hope your holidays were memorable and that this email finds you in good health and spirits.

As you know, my services don’t stop just because the deal is done. Tax season is around the corner and one of the documents you’ll need to complete your taxes is a copy of the Closing Statement on your property. I know moving can be a busy time and you may have misplaced (or even shredded!) this very important document.

Never fear! I have attached your Closing Statement so you can forward it to your accountant. If your accountant has any questions, please have him or her call me. And if you need a referral to an accountant you can trust, I’d be happy to provide you with one.

I look forward to continuing to be your Realtor and providing you the highest level of service.

As always, please remember that my favorite source of new business is referrals from satisfied clients. So if I can help a friend, relative, or colleague please give them my card. Better yet, give me a call and I will politely reach out to them. You can be assured I will give them the most professional and courteous service!

Warm regards,

Your Rock Star Agent