Equipment maintenance and inspection worksheet


preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS),


activity inspections, diagnostic checks, and spot checks.

(2) It shows the


missile (GM) systems.

(3) It is used to record marine condition surveys of watercraft.

(4) It is also a record of deferred maintenance and uncorrected

faults. This form is called the DA Form 2404 DEF MAINT, or deferred

maintenance record.

(5) It records the results of technical inspections on equipment.

When needed, the DA Form 2404 shows serviceability codes listed in



requiring technical inspections of equipment.

DA Form 2404 is used by anyone performing inspections,

maintenance services, diagnostic checks, technical evaluations, and

At the unit level, the DA Form 2404 is the central record for

managing and controlling maintenance.

Operators and crews, first-

line leaders, maintenance supervisors, and commanders are all equally

responsible for keeping information both current and correct on DA

(1) One DA Form 2404 may be used to inspect all the components or

subsystems that make up one equipment system. Alternatively, one DA

Form 2404 may be used for each component or subsystem.

(2) One DA Form 2404 may be used to inspect several like items of

equipment. For example, one DA Form 2404 may be used to inspect 25

M16A1 rifles.

(3) The DA Form 2404 may be used as a temporary record of required

and completed maintenance.

(4) Administrative motor pools which use ADP cards or other

automated forms do not need the DA Form 2404. But, when a deferred

and uncorrected fault record is needed, use the DA Form 2408-14.