

Children,Youth and Families Act
The purpose of the CYFA is to promote the safety and well-being of children and youth who are in need of protective intervention by omission or commission of the parent. This legislation provides authority for the delivery of child protection, in care and youth services.

Adoption Act 2013
The new Adoption Act, 2013 is focused on improving the adoption process while ensuring the safety and well-being of the province’s children. It has helped streamline government processes with adoptions which, in turn, help increase the number of families able to proceed directly to court to finalize an adoption and reduce wait times in applying to adopt. It also includes a provision for adult adoption which refers to the ability to adopt a person 19 years of age or older, and has enhanced post-adoption services such as search and reunion services for families.

Youth Criminal Justice Act
The Youth Criminal Justice Act is the law that governs Canada’s youth justice system. It applies to youth who are at least 12 but under 18 years old, who are alleged to have broken federal law such as the Criminal Code of Canada.

Young Persons Offences Act
The Young Persons Offences Act is the special law that applies to youth who break provincial laws such as the Highway Traffic Act or Liquor Control Act .