
In addition to a minimum of 26 credits of coursework, students are required to complete a two-credit internship with a government agency, NGO, private or tribal fish and wildlife agency (e.g., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, The Nature Conservancy, Nez Perce Tribe) that provides new skills, and complete a two-credit professional portfolio, -OR- a four-credit directed study project with a faculty member. The final evaluation of achieving the learning objectives of the program will be an oral and written presentation of a directed study project or the professional portfolio.

*Important Note: FISH 510 is a virtual course, which require students to join a Zoom meeting at a scheduled time two-three times a week.

30 Total Credits Required:

Core FWSM Courses (11 Credits)

NRS 555 Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (3 credits)
FISH 598 Internship (2 credits) & NR 599 Non-thesis Master’s Research (2 credits) -OR- FISH 502 Directed Study (4 credits)
FOR 546 Science Synthesis and Communication (3 credits)
WLF 506 External Speakers (1 credit)

Fish and Wildlife Science (8 Credits)

FISH 411 Fish Physiology (2 credits)
FISH 415 Limnology (4 credits)
FISH 516 Animal Movement, Dispersal and Migration (3 credits)
FISH 521 Community Ecology (2 credits)
FISH 525 Aquaculture in Relation to Wild Fish Populations (2 credits)
FISH 526 Climate Effects & Cons Manage (2 credits)
FISH 515 Large River Fisheries (2 credits)
FISH 511 Fish Physiology (2 credits)
FISH 540 Wetland Restoration (3 credits)
FISH 550 Ecology & Conservation of Freshwater Invertebrates (2 credits)
FISH 551 Freshwater Invertebrate Field Methods (2 credits)
REM 411 Wildland Habitat Ecology and Assessment (2 credits)
WLF 440 Conservation Biology (3 credits)
WLF 530 Riparian Ecology (2 credits)
WLF 540 Conservation Genetics (1-3 credits)
WLF 545 Wildlife Habitat Ecology (2-3 credits)
WLF 561 Landscape Genetics (2 credits)
WLF 562 Landscape Genetics Lab (1-2 credits)
WLF 575 Behavioral Ecology (2 credits)

Quantitative and Statistical Methods (3 Credits)

STAT 419 Introduction to SAS/R Programming (3 credits)
STAT 422 Survey Sampling Methods (3 credits)
STAT 431 Statistical Analysis (3 credits)
WLF 503 Workshop (variable credits)
WLF 550 Quantitative Analysis of Fish and Wildlife Populations (2 credits)
WLF 551 Applied Mixed Effects Modeling (2 credits)

Policy, Planning, and Society (2-3 Credits)

BIOP 523 Planning Sustainable Places (3 credits)
BIOP 520 Introduction to Bioregional Planning (3 credits)
BIOP 530 Planning Theory and Process (3 credits)
ENVS 577 Law, Ethics, and the Environment (3 credits)
ENVS 579 Introduction to Environmental Regulations (3 credits)
FISH 510 Advanced Fish and Wildlife Management (3 credits)
FOR 584 Natural Resource Policy Development (3 credits)
FOR 587 Wildland Fire Policy (2 credits)
NRS 475 Local and Regional Environmental Planning (3 credits)
NRS 574 Environmental Politics and Policy (3 credits)
NRS 576 Environmental Project Management and Decision Making (2 credits)
NRS 588 NEPA in Policy and Practice(3 credits)

Electives (6-7 Credits)

BE/ENVS 450 Environmental Hydrology (3 credits)
FOR 451 Fuels Inventory and Management (3 credits)
FOR 526 Fire Ecology (3 credits)
FOR 554 Air Quality, Pollution, and Smoke (3 credits)
GEOG 524 Hydrologic Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing (3 credits)
NRS/REM 440 Restoration Ecology (3 credits)
NRS 472 Remote Sensing of the Environment (3-4 credits)
NRS 552 Current Lit in Remote Sensing (1 credit)
NRS 578 LIDAR and Optical Remote Sensing Analysis (3 credits)
NRS 580 Restoration Ecology Practicum (2 credits)
REM 456 Integrated Rangeland Management (3 credits)
REM 459 Rangeland Ecology (3 credits)
REM 507 Landscape and Habitat Dynamics (3 credits)
REM 520 Advanced Vegetation Measurement and Monitoring (3 credits)
REM/WLF/FISH/NRS/FOR 504 Special Topics (variable credits)
SOIL 544 Water Quality in the Pacific Northwest (3 credits)