The East Region Formulary Committee (ERFC) is the medicines governance group responsible for the East Region Formulary (ERF). The ERF is a joint formulary being developed between NHS Borders, NHS Fife and NHS Lothian.
While we are developing the ERF, the ERFC performs the formulary committee role for each of the Boards formularies. We will have a period of transition where we still have the Lothian Joint Formulary, Borders Joint Formulary and Fife Formulary existing alongside each other. As ERF content is agreed it will replace the individual board formulary content.
The East Region Working Group (ERWG) reviews and co-ordinates the programme of work undertaken by the Chapter Expert Working Groups (CEWGs). As part of this work the ERWG reviews and advises on Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) safety advice. This allows prioritisation of the review of formulary content.
CEWGs are multidisciplinary groups responsible for the review and drafting of the formulary pathways. Each CEWG includes hospital specialists, General Practitioners and pharmacists from each of the three health Boards. Working groups meet and consider current prescribing patterns, clinical evidence, safety, cost effectiveness and patient acceptability when making their recommendations.
For more information about the East Region Formulary Committee including its membership, constitution and minutes, please see the formulary website: