Ohio Separation Agreement

An Ohio Separation Agreement is entered into by husband and wife in a Dissolution of Marriage or an Uncontested Divorce. The Separation Agreement includes all the assets, property and debts of the parties.

An Ohio Separation Agreement is submitted to and adopted by the Court and becomes the terms of the dissolution of marriage or divorce. Husband and wife are ordered to fulfill all of the terms of the Separation Agreement.

Ohio Separation Agreement Clauses

An Ohio Separation Agreement should include clauses about:


There are a number of general provisions which are included in an Ohio Separation Agreement which cover various subjects such as:

that the parties will not harass or interfere in the day to day activities of the other;

that neither will henceforth incur any debts or obligations upon the credit of the other;

that each party has entered the agreement knowingly and voluntarily;

that each party has made a full and accurate disclosure of all their real and personal property, debts and income;

that each party shall execute any and all deeds, and other documents and perform any acts which may be required.