Attaching Files to Records

You can attach documents in the File Cabinet to records and transactions using the Communication subtab. This is useful if, for example, you want to keep a copy of a contract or license on a customer record. You do not need to edit the record to attach a file. You can also attach files in view mode.

To attach a file to a record or transaction:

  1. Click the Communication subtab on the record.
  2. Click the Files subtab. The subtab looks like this: Communication Files subtabHere you can attach a file that is already in the File Cabinet or add a new file to the File Cabinet and attach it.
  3. Click OK. OK button on the Communication subtab.

When anyone in your company opens the record, they can also view files associated with the record. Access to the File Cabinet folder is required to view a file from that folder when it is attached to a record or transaction. For information about access to File Cabinet folders, see Restricting Access to File Cabinet Folders.

A file in the Attachments Sent folder or Attachments Received folder cannot be attached to records or transactions. You must move the file to another folder. For more information, see Moving and Copying Files in the File Cabinet.

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